Exploring London’s Tech Scene at Innovation Warehouse

April 26, 2016 - 2 minutes read

Innovation Warehouse London Tech

Dogtown Media met with key Innovation Warehouse staff today to discuss London’s rapid tech growth and Dogtown’s role in the local mobile startup scene. London’s startup ecosystem is growing quickly, and CEO Marc Fischer is aiming to expand Dogtown’s local presence in the coming years. With 100+ Apple App Store launches to date, the company has a wide breadth of knowledge and resources to share with London startups.

Innovation Warehouse is a combination co-working space, community, and runway formed by a group of entrepreneurs in collaboration with the City of London Corporation. Startup businesses looking to achieve sustainability and high growth can find everything they need from knowledgeable peers to investment capital connections.

With funding, mentoring, and tech resources built-in, participating entrepreneurs have grown at rapidly accelerated rates, earning the group a well-respected brand among London mobile app developers.

If there ever was a time to dive into the London tech scene, now is that time. According to Tech City reports, Venture capital invested in London has grown by a factor of ten in the past six years, making the city one of Europe’s brightest stars for young startups looking to grow quickly. The area has been consistently ranked among the top cities for high-growth startups by the European Digital City Index, housing as much as a fifth of UK-based tech and mobile app development companies.

For local entrepreneurs, it’s well worth keeping an eye on the Innovation Warehouse events calendar. Industry leaders frequently stop in to give presentations and hold workshops.

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