Dogtown Media Supports Legislative Action on Nation’s Opioid Crisis by Co-Signing HLC Letter

June 19, 2018 - 3 minutes read

MedTech app developer

The United States is facing an opioid addiction crisis that has far surpassed epidemic proportions long ago. It’s a problem that is taking a tremendous toll on our nation, and it will take an effort from each of us to stop it.

The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) has created a sign-on letter to show Congress just how many groups and organizations are concerned about this crisis. Dogtown Media is extremely proud to co-sign this letter and join HLC’s efforts. If you’d like to review the letter, click here. To review all HLC letters, click here.

An Urgent Issue

From L.A. to New York, the problem of opioid addiction and misuse has spiraled out of control and devastated communities across the U.S. Social services, public safety, health care, family, friends — this scourge knows no bounds. 115 people in the U.S. alone die every day from overdoses related to opioids according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This compounds to over 40,000 lives lost annually.

The magnitude of this issue cannot be overexaggerated. Nor can the urgency with which we should act to fix it. But effort from one party alone is not enough to address this problem. A multi-pronged approach from as many organizations and groups as possible is what’s needed.

This is why the HLC has put together this letter.

More Than Words

Over the next few days, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on 34 bills created to tackle this opioid crisis. The letter applauds the House for taking action against this problem and also shows the Representatives the wide breadth of groups concerned about it.

The letter also urges Congress to advance multiple pieces of legislation that they’ll be reviewing in order to cover the wide range of areas needed to fight this epidemic such as prevention, treatment, and research and development for other pain management substitutes.

We Need Your Help

The letter will be sent to Congress on June 18. Lawmakers have demonstrated their commitment to combating this problem which has brought tragedy to far too many people’s lives. But it will take more effort than any lawmaker, MedTech developer, or doctor can muster. Let’s show the House that we care.

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