Dogtown Media Urging Congress to Reject “CISPA” Digital Spying Law

April 17, 2013 - 1 minute read

CISPA lawNew privacy invasion legislation moves closer to become Federal law. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act also known as CISPA gives Government agencies the ability to invade the personal digital privacy of Americans. The proposed law forces privately owned tech companies to comply with Government institutions requests for sensitive user information. The legislation also gives companies that skirt consumer privacy broad immunity from prosecution and instills a new line of corporate spying powers.

According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), numerous high profile tech companies like Mozilla and Reddit have voiced their opposition to the over-reaching bill. On top of that, over 70 cyber-security experts and academics sent a joint letter opposing CISPA last year, expressing their firm opposition to the dangers of the government’s approach to computer security.

Dogtown Media is devoted to protecting an open, free, and independently regulated internet. We urge everyone to let their voice be heard and help put a stop to this Government push for lawful privacy intrusions. The private lives of billions of internet users should remain private and free from draconian laws and restrictive regulations.

As an iPhone app developer I strongly encourage you to sign the Demand Progress Anti-CISPA petition.  You can help put a stop to a terrible law would allow the rights of millions to be violated at will.

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