iOS Developers Notified, Apps Must Update for iOS 7 or Face Rejection

January 3, 2014 - 2 minutes read

ios 7 apple

Apple recently announced changes to its app submission guidelines, which will require developers to optimize their mobile software for the iOS 7 operating system. The new guidelines cover both new and existing apps. Optimization updates must be complete by February 1, 2014 in order for apps to qualify for sale and distribution.

In order to optimize apps for iOS 7, software developers must use the most recent version of the Xcode5 toolset, which runs backgrounding APIs and is 64-bit compatible. Apple’s new standards are in line with a company policy adopted over the past few years, in which software developers have been encouraged to optimize their apps with the company’s latest operating system as quickly as possible. In its recent history, Apple has posted high adoption rates for its new and updated operating systems. According to statistics published by Apple, 76 percent of its mobile users have adopted the iOS 7 system, a major reason for the optimization push.

The iOS 7 employs a physical programming language which is much more sophisticated than previous versions of the operating system. It has also eliminated many of the standard visual elements that an iPhone app developer would utilize in an app interface. The end result is that apps running on iOS 7 have a whole new look and feel, which is not properly replicated in apps that have not been specifically optimized for it.

However, Apple’s press release seemed to suggest that the optimization requirement has more to do with the actual software architecture and construction than its user interface or visual elements. It is possible to optimize an app using Xcode5 without making substantial changes to its design. However, in most cases, the Chicago mobile app developer contingent will have to make some adjustments to their user interfaces to ensure their software looks right and functions correctly on iOS 7.

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