Mobile Health Apps to Save Billions in Costly Hospital Visits

September 2, 2014 - 2 minutes read

healthcare mobile apps

As predicted, the telemedicine industry is starting to show signs of the explosive growth it’s long promised, and a new app called HealthTap Prime is one of the major reasons why. HealthTap Prime allows users to place video calls to registered physicians at any time of day or night so they can receive medical advice on non-life threatening maladies and conditions. Designed to help reduce the burden on the country’s healthcare system while offering patients reliable and affordable professional care, HealthTap Prime and similar apps are poised to change the way care is accessed and administrated. It also holds the potential to dramatically reduce nonessential visits to the emergency room, which could save the system billions of dollars per year.

The app uses a monthly subscription model to account for the costs of accessing doctors. Currently, rates are set at $100 per month for a single household member. Additional members can be added to the plan at a cost of $10 per person per month. As of right now, there are no formal limits on the number of times you can use the app in a given month. However, HealthTap Prime is expected to enforce some form of penalty for abusive practices.

If you’re part of a New York City app development company, you should pay close attention to developments in the field of telemedicine in the months ahead. Experts and analysts believe that it is poised to become one of the leading sources of growth in the software development industry’s near future.

Similarly, healthcare app developers ought to carefully track user responses and feedback in regards to HealthTap Prime and similar apps. Improving on design flaws and adding services and features that users want but don’t yet have could be an excellent way for next-generation telemedicine apps to make inroads in the highly competitive market.

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