Politicians Fail American People, NSA to Continue Spying on Citizens

July 26, 2013 - 2 minutes read

nsa spy america

The NSA has been given the green light by the US Government to continue spying on American citizens without any oversight or restrictions. In a surprising turn of events, the Obama administration teamed up with hawkish members of the Republican party to defeat an amendment that would have curtailed the NSA’s power to spy on Americans.

The measure which was introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan was defeated by a razor-thin margin of 217 votes against to 205 for. A majority of the Democratic party joined a loud chorus of Tea Party Republicans to side against Obama’s wishes to keep the program running unabated.

According to the LA Times, “The amendment would have required the government to identify a person under investigation before it is able to collect records of calls made to and from that person. Currently, the government obtains orders from a secret intelligence court requiring telecommunications providers to turn over to the NSA calling records on nearly every American.”

As an iPhone app developer and proponent of personal privacy, the defeat of this amendment is a great disappointment. While working in the tech industry over the past decade it has become apparent that the political establishment in Washington DC has failed to serve the best interests of the American people.  The NSA has been given free rein to spy all digital communications sent or received by American citizens. Your email, text messages, Facebook posts and messages, phone calls, search history, and present location are shared with the NSA and stored indefinitely at the organizations data center in Utah.

The San Francisco iPhone app developer community is encouraged to join forces and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation in their fight against illegal NSA privacy intrusions into American households.



n hypocritical fashion, President Obama

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