Developers Pumping Out Google Glass Apps

June 13, 2013 - 2 minutes read

google glass development

A slew of new Google Glass apps are being developed by talented dev teams worldwide as a mobile developers continue to eagerly jump into the Google Glass arena. Dev teams are excitedly pushing forward with the platform even though the current market is only comprised of a only 8,000 lucky developers to win access to a pair of Google Glassware. While in its infancy as a mobile device there are no sustainable revenue models available to developers.

The business minded among us may be asking why so many have jumped into these untested waters?

New platforms with the ability to disrupt human life through technology comes along once in a lifetime. All signs point towards a bright future for Glassware. Just look at the thriving Glass app store marketplace still in its early days, is growing exponentially.

Even app interface designers and developers without access to a pair of Google Glass are getting in on the action. A talented team of UI designers from the digital agency, Philosophy recently released a useful Google Glassware PSD template. The design suite allows developers to easily mock up their Google Glass concepts in Photoshop without having to recreate the basic templates. The free download includes 8 core templates with more on their way.

A respectable listing of applications already available for download can be found on Glass aficionado Iwan Uswak’s site, Google Glass APPs. Big players such as the New York Times, Tumblr, and Twitter have developed Glass applications of their own early on. Newly formed Meetup groups for Glass App Developers and Project Glass on Google Circles are spurring on a new generation of indie app developers for this budding platform.

As a Google Glass app developer it encouraging to see the momentum and excitement around Google Glass continue to intensify. The sky is the limit as far as creative possibilities with this wearable mobile device. Glass is foretasted has as many detractors as fans worldwide. Only time will tell whether the device catches on with the greater public or gets cast aside as only a niche technology.

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