New Smartphone Case Is Capable of Functioning as a Health Monitor

March 31, 2014 - 2 minutes read

health app

Azoi, an India-based consumer electronics manufacturer, announced the arrival of Wello, a new smartphone case, in a press release dated March 6. The Wello case offers a unique, never-before-seen functionality: the ability to monitor your vital signs and other key health indicators.

The Wello case is designed to accommodate several iPhone models, including the 4S, 5 and 5S. It uses Bluetooth connectivity to communicate with the handset while providing real-time monitoring of a comprehensive list of health-related vital signs, including heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature as well as blood-oxygen levels, respiration and ECG. Azoi claims the Wello’s detection system is extremely accurate, and is designed to help users maintain better control of their overall health.

In addition to monitoring vital signs, the Wello can also import data collected during sleep and exercise routines. Collected health data can then be relayed to a Wello app, which analyzes it to help users interpret patterns and other significant findings. While healthcare app developers have already created many health-oriented software products, the Wello is the first comprehensive system capable of such broad-ranging capabilities.

To use the Wello’s health monitoring features, users need to do no more than hold it for a brief period of time. Built-in sensors then collect information and data, reporting it to the user through the Wello app. Azoi’s founder and CEO, Hamish Patel, said in a press release that “all too often, health problems go undetected until it’s too late. We believe that through improved self-awareness of key vitals, technology could very easily reduce the incidence and impact of a wide range of illnesses and diseases.”

The Wello is already available on a pre-order basis in various areas, including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and throughout the EU. It is currently pending FDA approval in the United States, and professionals engaged in app development in Chicago and across the country will be paying close attention to see if it is permitted to go to market.

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