When Will ‘The Next Big Thing’ Arrive on the Tech Scene?

July 25, 2016 - 3 minutes read
People wear Samsung Gear VR devices as they attend the launching ceremony of the new Samsung S7 and S7 edge smartphones during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, February 21, 2016. REUTERS/Albert Gea TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY - RTX27XXM

People wear Samsung Gear VR devices as they attend the launching ceremony of the new Samsung S7 and S7 edge smartphones during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, February 21, 2016. REUTERS/Albert Gea TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY – RTX27XXM

Mobile and web app platforms have been relatively stable recently, fostering a golden age of functional apps and short runways to startup success. Stability, however, isn’t always the best for tech, which thrives on novelty and innovation.

The sentiment among Boston iPhone app developers seems to be that “something” is coming up on the horizon. The question is, “what is it?”

Virtual Reality

We’ve been immensely excited about the potential for VR ever since trying out some of the latest and greatest VR innovations from companies like Google at the last SXSW.

Additionally, the massive success of Pokemon Go demonstrates how augmented reality technologies could enhance mobile gaming and creative work.


Blockchain isn’t mainstream yet, but the growing popularity of Bitcoin is seeing venture capitalists interested in applying the technology to other areas. Bitcoin’s value jumped immensely after the Brexit vote, showing how crypto-currencies could potentially function as “safe havens” in turbulent times.

Internet of Things

Startups like Nest have been working hard to drive mainstream use of IoT devices, but adoption has been slow. Public distrust of Internet-connected devices and services since the Snowden NSA leak could be part of the barrier, as consumers reasonably are concerned about privacy.

High price and low value proposition could also be part of the issue, as hardware doesn’t scale and spread as easily as mobile software products. IoT surely has a bright future, but for iPhone app developers it’s unclear if that future will arrive in the next year or the next ten years.

Bracing for the wave

Whatever the technology is that sweeps up the tech world, the only way to be prepared is to stay nimble and keep an eye on the trends. New technologies drive huge economic growth, but they can also doom less-nimble companies to declining revenues. Either way, the future is bright for iPhone app developers.

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