Research Shows Huge Growth in Millennial use of Mobile Apps

Published on June 23, 2016

Research firm comScore recently released their annual report on mobile app use. The results? Millennials…

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Why It’s so Difficult to Retain Talented App Developers

Published on June 14, 2016

Engineering talent is often difficult to find, and even trickier to retain. Even as engineering…

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How Long Does It Take to Develop a Mobile App?

Published on June 10, 2016

Of all the questions mobile app development companies get asked, “how long will it take?”…

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How to Tailor Ad Content on Facebook vs Google Adwords

Published on June 9, 2016

Facebook ads have quickly eclipsed Google Adwords as the mobile app developer’s go-to choice for…

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Why Experience Is the Least Important Trait for Tech Teams

Published on April 21, 2016

Building a team is no easy feat, especially for a scrappy startup with short industry…

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Dogtown Campaigns for Tech Policy Progress at AppCon16

Published on April 20, 2016

Dogtown Media CEO Marc Fischer had the honor of joining over 50 mobile industry leaders…

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Why Tech Companies Care about Maternity and Paternity Leave

Published on April 18, 2016

If you follow tech, chances are you’ve seen at least a handful of think pieces…

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When It Comes to Freemium, the User Isn’t Always Right

Published on April 12, 2016

That first wave of media attention when you launch a startup is always a gratifying…

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3 Growth Hacking Tips to Grow Your Mobile App Startup

Published on April 11, 2016

Growth hacking has quickly become a popular buzzword in the startup community. Unfortunately, it’s not…

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Surprising Startup Lessons from Con Artists & Salespeople

Published on April 7, 2016

No matter how altruistic your startup’s goal, the only feature that ultimately matters for iPhone…

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