Hacker Claims Remote Hijack Of Airplanes Using Android App

Published on April 11, 2013

A security consultant who is also a trained commercial pilot has developed an Android app that he claims can take…

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Apple Clamping Down On App Discovery Apps

Published on April 10, 2013

App discovery company AppGratis is pulled from the App store. Mobile app developers in an uproar over vague guidelines and unfair app store practices.

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Mobile App Ecosystem is Killing the Web

Published on April 10, 2013

iOS & Android mobile platforms have eaten the web for breakfast & disrupted countless industries. Mobile app development is quickly overtaking the web.

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Google Finally Purging Android of Crap Apps

Published on April 9, 2013

Since February of this year more than 60,000 Android applications have been removed from the Google Play store. Mobile app developer news for Android apps.

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Will iPhone 5S have Multiple Screen Sizes? Developers Hope NOT

Published on April 9, 2013

  The upcoming iPhone 5S will have a choice of screen size according to Topeka analyst Brian…

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US Government Moving to Invade Your Mobile Privacy

Published on April 8, 2013

Government agencies are trying to gain the ability to eavesdrop on internet & mobile based communications like Apple’s iMessage. Mobile app developers concerned.

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Apple Still Leading The App Charge

Published on April 8, 2013

As an iPhone app developer in Los Angeles we were interested to see the report released today showing…

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Live Crowdsourcing App Gets You to Your Destination On-time

Published on April 8, 2013

HopStop iOS app alerts commuters to delays & service interruptions that may adversely affect their journey via public transport. iPhone app for transportation.

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Apple iPhone Finally Coming to T-Mobile

Published on April 5, 2013

T-Mobile is finally picking up the iPhone. Carrier competing on low-price plans. Smartphone phone sales correlate with mobile app development industry growth.

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Facebook Topping On Ice Cream Sandwich

Published on April 5, 2013

Yesterday Facebook announced a family of Android-based smartphone apps which is to be called Facebook Home. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced “We’re…

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